Off-Page SEO Ranking Factors
Have you thought why off-page SEO matter? Give preference to both On-page as well as Off-page SEO. According to Moz "while search algorithms and ranking factors are constantly changing, the consensus within the SEO community is that the relevance, trustworthiness, and authority that effective off-page SEO affords a website still plays a major role in a page's ability to rank". SEO (Search Engine Optimization) helps in page visibility also helps to rank the site higher on search engines. Overall it's a combination of certain tactics that helps the website to rank highly on search engines. On-page and Off-page SEO helps in improving search rankings. On page is something that is under your control and is done onto the website but Off-page SEO is the effort you do away from your website to improve your website ranking on the search engine. For example, if you write a blog for another blog and leave a comment, then you are doing Off-page SEO practice. Google...